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  • Writer's pictureherquota

You have to be Selfish to be Generous

How do you give back when you are empty yourself?

How do you intend to share when you are don't have?

How do you let go,when you have not gathered?

Hey,take time to be "selfish" so you can be "generous".

Take time to build yourself and don't feel bad when you have to turn people down at that period.

For me,giving is not just one of the principles I have to follow as a Christian,it's a calling. I often say I am anointed to I found out it was one of my love languages too. You want to communicate love to me,give. I want to show you how much I love you, I give.

Any income I get per time,I start thinking of how to bless people with it. Until one day, a friend said, "you have to be selfish to be generous you know, you have to save, and invest so you can give back in bigger quantities but first, you have to watch out for yourself".

He was/is right!

Take time to build yourself, to pray, to study, to learn, to do whatever it is that you need to do, only then would you be able to give back, because you are not empty yourself.

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