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The Faults is not in our Stars

Updated: Dec 20, 2018


"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Shakespeare's play: Julius Caesar.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars

Cassius, a nobleman, is speaking with his friend, Brutus, and trying to persuade him that, in the best interests of the public, Julius Caesar must be stopped from becoming monarch of Rome. Brutus is aware of Caesar's intentions, but is torn between his love of his friend Caesar and his duty to the republic.

Which is to mean we are responsible for the outcome of our lives and not left to chance or fate.


In her 26 years on Earth she has probably gone through what most older folks have not.

Sickle Cell Anemia survivor but not without its challenges, she had gone through series of crisis which most times were so close to claiming her life. She went through hell just a couple of months back. Been referred from one hospital to another because the condition was spiraling out of control, on breathing support for the most of the time, and mostly in pain. Her family members came around just to be sure she felt loved, and (though not put into words but to) at least see her one last time, that was how close she was.

I asked her "What is your life mission in few statements?"

She said "to glorify God with all that He has deposited in me by reaching my full potentials. Life's mission is something one should spend the entirety of one's life trying to discover and accomplish, so no way that can be summarised in few statements".


She wasn't one of the brightest in High school (how could she when she spent most of her time in the hospital) but she refused to settle for anything less than the best. Came out 2nd best in her department in the university, refusing to be stopped, she proceeded to pursuing her master's degree almost immediately after Bsc, still performed excellently well. Presently pursuing her Doctorate Degree in Economics.

She never settled for mediocrity. She aimed for the stars and she is gathering them in.

HQ: What keeps you going academically?

OVI: The thing is, to make the society better, and those around you, you have to be better yourself. Education makes me better; it changes my perspective about things. I don't view problems the way I used to. I can do anything, be anything.


She was not born with a silver spoon, as a matter of fact, she lost her mother while she was little, and had to gone through a series of family drama. The instability at the earliest stage of life, living most of her life in and out of the hospital, and yet struggling to grow into a woman that balances love and life. She is one of my biggest inspiration. She doesn't slow down and I don't know how she does it.

HQ: What inspires you to keep going?

OVI: How far I have come. Like Steve Jobs said you cannot join the dots of your life looking forward but looking backwards. Seeing how far I have come convinces me that there is more that can be done. And I also don't like to hear 'it can't be done' or take NO for an answer.


Indeed, The Faults is not in our Stars!

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