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  • Writer's pictureherquota

Oh My! I got proposed to!!

What was the first thing that came to your mind when you read this post title? The ring? Who the guy is? What the proposal was like?

Am I right? Are these not the first few things that came to mind?

Yes we are all guilty,myself inclusive 😊.

What everyone wants to see is how many carats of gold your ring is,and whether he was romantic when he was presenting the ring or not...oh there is even a more recent norm: the guy kneels and bring out the ring,when the lady is still processing the whole thing,which obviously means her response would be tardy,he pulls out her left arm and start putting the ring on for her without a definite response from her yet.

(Side note: I hate that move 😏)

I was asking a friend some time back if he has seen a proposal being turned down (I meant a real life proposal not the YouTube staged videos) & he said yes and I further asked on what basis, which he told me. Now,I personally have often wondered why on earth would a lady say no to a marriage proposal when she has been with the guy in question for close to 5 years or even more; but there are a thousand and one reasons that could make her do that.

When he is on one knee is not the time to bother about what the colour of the ring is, or if he said the right words but with the alarming rate of divorce which has become a thing in vogue not only in the white man's land but also in ours, being sure of your response is paramount. You would be spending every moment with that guy for the rest of your life. If you think you can't,go ahead and politely turn down the ring, you sure won't be crucified for that.

Remember making a big life change is pretty scary,but more scary is REGRET.

And as a man,don't go ahead to ask her hand in marriage because your friends are doing it or because she won't stop disturbing you or you feel coerced in any way...make sure you TRULY want to spend the rest of your life with her!

It's a lifetime decision!

(Disclaimer: I was not proposed to...well, not just yet)

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