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  • Writer's pictureherquota

When did we get here?

You know I don't seem to understand what this world is turning into. Several months back I came across an article where the LGBT society were criticising The Black Panther movie crew of not having any portion of the movie representing them, and I thought to myself, when did we get here? When did all these nonsenses start to gain ground? In case you are infuriated already, please note that I am against homosexuality but I absolutely don’t have any issues against homosexuals, they are humans and I absolutely love them (plus in the country where I type this from I have not done or said anything wrong according to law). And by the way, I have come to understand that there are a lot of underlining issues that bring a lot of people to this decision/choice or way of life; but that topic is not for today.

Today, youth are so eager to have sex, kids have not only come to the understanding of what masturbation entails, they are already involved in the act. There is this app that I downloaded to help track my period, but instead of doing that effectively, became a mini pornographic app. I got curious at a point, joined some groups/forums within the app, you will see 12/13-year-old girls talking of dildo, I don't even know what that was till last year. Children that should pay attention to other sensible things are busy sowing their wild oats!

All these didn't even sadden me as much as the fact that people that know the truth, people that are supposed to point others to light. Fire branded, tongue speaking, devil binding Believers are also fully engaged in these acts. We have brought ourselves so low. "...At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence..." Ephesians 1:23.

By the way, I deleted the app eventually, and I was glad I did despite my mind wanted more of the stuff I read but I can’t allow that.

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