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  • Writer's pictureherquota

I feel PRETTY!

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

We all have insecurities. Insecurities that are formed as a result of our presumed insufficiencies. We most times forget that none of us is complete, total or sufficient. We are all inadequate. We are all striving towards perfection. We all fail. We all fall. No one gets it covered.

Irony of life: You are fat, you want to be slim. You are slim, you get so harassed,you want to add weight. There is something we always want to change, it's either our hair today, our butt tomorrow, the colour of our skin some other time,and this is due most times to demands of the society, but we forgets that the society will always make a demand of us, and we can never fully satisfy it. I can personally attest to that.

Therefore, it's time to live for yourself. Be who you want to be. Change anything on your body just because it would make you happy, not because you want to look like the "hot" girl from school or due to the constant jeering of your colleagues at work or because someone gave the verdict that you either change or they are done with you.

Listen, Love yourself. Love your body. Love your hair. Love your skin. Love your feet. Love your voice. Be content with what you have. Many would kill for what you have. Choose to be happy. Remember living is first about you,before it's about anyone else.

This 2018 "I feel pretty" movie is topping the chart (for me at least) when it comes to topics bordering around self esteem, insecurities and body shaming etc. It covers every angle and touches every point. It captures how much we always want to change something. Some hide behind the facade of plastic surgery, make up and everything in between, forgetting that whatever change that is to be effected must first pass through the "acceptance screen": the discovery that you are perfect and complete in yourself!

You need to see this movie. The main character Amy Schumer has been receiving a heavy backlash, the very thing this movie is trying to correct,but that's an evidence that this very attitude exists, and we need to develop a tough skin concerning it, but take it for me, I love the movie and I say see it,you will thank me later.


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